Rose Hips

Latin Name: Rosa canina

Family: Rosaceae

Spread: It generally spreads in Europe and North Africa.


Latin Name: Vitis vinifera

Family: Vitaceae

Spread: Mediterranean countries, Central Europe, Southwest Asia

Used Plant Parts: Core

Devil’s Claw

Latin Name: Harpagophytum procumbens

English Name: Devil’s Claw

Family: Pedaliaceae

Spread: South Africa

Used Plant Parts: Secondary tuber root


Latin Name: Vaccinium myrtillus

Family: Ericaceae

Spread: It indigenous tin central and Northern Europe, Asia and North America among with North Anatolian mountains in Turkey

Used Plant Parts: Fresh ripe fruits, dried fruits

Green Tea

Latin Name: Camellia sinensis

Family: Theaceae

Spread: Especially in China, in China, among with India Sri Lanka, Japan, Indonesia, Kenya, Turkey, Pakistan, Malawi and Argentina.

Used Plant Parts: Foliage


Latin Name: Equisetum arvense

Family: Equisetaceae

Spread:It is a plant that spreads in a wide geography from Europe to Japan.

Used Plant Parts: Above ground parts

Stinging Nettle

Latin Name: Urtica dioica

Family: Urticaceae

Spread: Widespread

Used Plant Parts: Roots, leaves, seeds, seed oil


Latin Name: Plantago ovata

Family: Plantaginaceae

Spread: India, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, North Africa, Spain, Canary Islands

Used Plant Parts: Seeds (Psyllium semen)

White Kidney Bean

Latin Name: Phaseolus vulgaris

Family: Fabaceae

Spread: Although it is a plant native to Central America, it has a wide spread today.

Chinese Cinnamon

Latin Name: Cinnamomum cassia

Family: Lauraceae

Spread: It spreads in southeast China and Vietnam.

Used Plant Parts: Shells of thin and young branches


Latin Name: Allium sativum

Family: Alliaceae (Liliaceae)

Spread: It’s homeland culture is Central Asia, although it is in many countries, including Turkey.

Used Plant Parts: Fresh or dried bulbs.

Chemical Composition: Organic sulfur compounds (alliin, text, isoalliin, cycloalliin), enzymes (allinase, peroxidase), volatile volatile components (alicin, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, ajoen). 

Proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, nicotinic acid, lipids, phytoestrogens (genistein, daidzein), saponins, steroids (beta-sitosterol), prostglandins.

Korean Ginseng

Latin Name: Panax ginseng

Family: Araliaceae

Spread: Grows naturally in China, Japan and Korea

Used Plant Parts: Roots


Latin Name: Nigella sativa

Family: Ranunculaceae

Spread: Countries surrounding the Mediterranean, India, Pakistan, Arab countries

Used Plant Parts: Seeds

St. Johns Wort

Latin Name: Hypericum perforatum

Family: Hypericaceae

Spread: It grows naturally or is cultivated in Anatolia, Europe, North Africa, West Asia and America.

Used Plant Parts: Flowery plant

Passion Flower

Latin Name: Passiflora incarnata

Family: Passifloraceae

Spread: Although its homeland is America, it is also found in Europe, Asia, Australia and tropical Africa.

Used Plant Parts: Flowery plant.


Latin Name: Valeriana officinalis

Family: Valerianaceae

Spread: Its naturally grows in Europe, Asia, North America snd Turkey, yet its cluttered in  It is cultured in some European countries, America and Japan.

Used Plant Parts: Roots and rhizomes


Latin Name: Zingiber officinale

Family: Zingiberaceae

Spread: It grows naturally in Southeast Asia. It is cultured in Nigeria, India, Taiwan and Jamaica.

Used Plant Parts: Rhizomes

Carob tree

Latin Name: Ceratonia siliqua

Family: Fabaceae

Spread:Mediterranean shores

Used Plant Parts: Fruit

Milk thistle

Latin Name: Silybum marianum

Family: Asteraceae

Spread: Initially in England  along with the Mediterranean region and other countries

Used Plant Parts: Seeds.


Latin Name: Prunus laurocerasus

Family: Rosaceae

Spread: Grows naturally in southwest Asia and Southeast Europe

Used Plant Parts: Leaves and fruit.


Bromelain is the general name given to sulfidril-containing proteolytic enzymes derived from the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus).

Horse Chestnut

Family: Hippocastanaceae

Spread: It generally grows in Europe, Iran and Himalayas.

Used Plant Parts: Seeds.

Gotu Kola, Hydrocotyle

Family: Apiaceae

Spread: Southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka, part of China, Madagascar, South Africa, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, South America

Used Plant Parts: Leaves and Roots.

Coneflower, Echinacea

Latin Name: Echinacea purpurea

Family: Asteraceae

Spread: It grows naturally in the USA. It is cultured in Europe.

Used Plant Parts: Aboveground parts and roots.